General Purchase Terms & Conditions

General Purchase Terms & Conditions​

GENERAL PURCHASE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF HBS SOLUTIONS BV, with its registered office at Diemen, the Netherlands.

Supplier: a natural person or legal entity supplying goods and/or services to HBS Solutions BV or the party with whom HBS Solutions is considering entering into an Agreement in that respect.
Terms and Conditions: these General Purchase Terms and Conditions.
In Writing/Written: in the Terms and Conditions correspondence sent by e-mail is equated to written documents.
Quote: the Written quote from the Supplier to provide a certain quantity of goods and/or services at a certain price on a certain date (delivery term).
Order: Suppliers instruction to deliver and/or HBS Solutions BV acceptance of the Supplier’s Quote.
Agreement: the agreements laid down in writing, of which the Terms and Conditions form an integral part, between HBS Solutions BV and supplier on the Delivery of goods and/or services.
Delivery: putting one or more goods into the possession of or the control of HBS Solution BV or completion of the provision of services, under any title whatsoever.

1. Applicability
a. The Terms and Conditions apply to all requests for and all engagements/Orders provided by HBS Solutions BV and to all Quotes made to HBS Solutions BV by the
Supplier as well as any Agreement under which the Supplier provides goods and/or services to HBS Solutions BV.

b. Deviations from/amendments to the Terms and Conditions and/or Agreement are only legally valid if they are explicitly agreed on in Writing by the Supplier and HBS
Solutions BV.

c. The applicability of the ‘United Nations Convention on contracts for the International Sale of Goods’ (‘Vienna Sales Convention’) is excluded.

d. The (sales/delivery or other) terms and conditions of the Supplier do not apply and are explicitly rejected by HBS Solutions BV

2. Quotes/Orders/Conclusion of the Agreement
a. Quotes made by the Supplier to HBS Solutions BV are deemed to be binding for at
least three (3) months after their date unless the parties have agreed otherwise in

b. The costs accompanying the Quote and those of any necessary samples are payable by the Supplier unless the parties agree otherwise in Writing. HBS Solutions BV will not return any documentation and samples received with the Quote.

c. Unless explicitly indicated otherwise in the Quote, the price started in the Quote is final and is expressed in euros and will be deemed to cover all costs necessary to
deliver the goods and/or services to the location indicated by HBS Solutions BV, with the exception of VAT. These costs also include taxes, levies and duties which are
related to the production, transport, insurance and import and/or export for example.

d. An Agreement is concluded By:
– HBS Solutions BV accepting a Quote in Writing by way of an Order, which Order will be signed for approval by the Supplier and must be returned to HBS Solutions BV
within seven (7) calender days (unless a shorter period is stated in the Order); or – In the event that the Supplier has not issued a Quote, by way of returning a copy of
the Order signed for approval by the Supplier to HBS Solutions BV within seven (7) calender days (unless a shorter period is stated in the Order) in which case HBS
Solutions BV is entitled to withdraw the Order as long as the Supplier has not confirmed it in accordance with paragraph d. of this Article.

e. On granting the Order it is assumed that the Supplier is the actual supplier, manufacturer, exporter or importer of the goods/services described in the Order
unless explicitly otherwise apparent from the Order. Any outsourcing takes place entirely at the Supplier’s account and risk. The Supplier is fully responsible and liable
vis-á-vis HBS Solutions BV for goods produced/services provided by third parties on the instructions of the Supplier.

f. The Supplier guarantees that all taxes or contributions in this respect for staff and/or third parties engaged by the Supplier have been paid and indemnifies HBS Solutions
BV for any claims in that respect.

3. Guarantee of quality of the Delivery
a. The Supplier guarantees that.
– The Delivery is complete and suitable for the purpose for which it is intended and free of defects;
– The Delivery is entirely in accordance with the requirements, specifications, drawings, calculations provided and/or referred to by HBS Solutions BV and/or other
data/documents forming part of the Agreement; 
– The Delivery complies at a minimum with all statutory requirements/regulations and government regulations applicable in the Netherlands and the EU, unless explicitly
determined otherwise in the Agreement;
– Insofar as the Delivery is carried out at a location outside the business premises and/or sites of the Supplier, the laws and government regulations applicable for that
location will be complied with;
– Besides the agreed specifications, in general, the Delivery must be of good quality and free of design, performance and/ or material flaws, and only new materials and
skilled personnel may be used for the performance of the Delivery and the services pertaining to the Delivery.
– If the Delivery also consists of making manpower available, this availability will comply with all and all generally applicable requirements of professional competence
and the agreed number of workers will remain available without interruption throughout the agreed period.

b. If technical, safety, quality and/or other regulations are referred to in the Agreement and/or in the pertaining schedules that are not appended/attached to the Agreement, the Supplier is deemed to be aware of these, unless the Supplier notifies HBS Solution BV of the contrary in Writing. In that case, HBS Solutions BV will further inform the Supplier of the conditions in question.

4. Interim inspections, checks, tests
a. HBS Solutions BV is entitled at all times to have the Delivery, more in particular the pertaining goods and/or services, inspected, checked, and/or tested and/or to carry
out progress controls on an interim basis. To that end within reasonable limits the Supplier will provide the necessary staff and material help, allow the persons or
bodies designated by HBS Solutions BV access to the location where the Agreement is performed at all times and will make an area available for the interim inspection,
check and/or test.

b. If interim inspections, checks and/or tests are agreed on which have to take place at the Supplier’s initiative, the Supplier will always notify HBS Solutions BV of the
intended time of inspections, checks and/or tests in Writing in good time so that HBS Solutions BV, if it wishes, can be present or represented.
If and insofar as it is agreed that interim inspections, checks and/or tests have to take place at HBS Solution BV’s initiative, the foregoing applies mutatis mutandis.

c. All interim inspections, checks and tests will take place based on the requirements, specifications, instructions and documents referred to in Article 3.

d. All costs related to the interim inspections, checks and/or tests, with the exception of the cost of HBS Solution BV’s staff and/or other persons that HBS Solution BV has
indicated as its representatives, are payable by the Supplier.
If an interim inspection, check and/or test cannot take place at the agreed time, or an interim inspection, check and/or test has to be repeated, then HBS Solutions can
recover any ensuing extra costs from the Supplier if and insofar as this delay or repetition is attributable to the Supplier. The same right applies for the Supplier if an
insofar as the delay or repetition is attributable to HBS Solution BV or to its client.

e. In the event of rejection, HBS Solutions BV will notify the Supplier directly, stating the reasons. The Supplier is required to improve/repair or replace the rejected items at its own expense within the time periods set by HBS Solution BV.

f. If, taking Article 2e into account, the Supplier brings in subcontractors or subsuppliers for the Delivery, the Supplier on HBS Solution BV’s behalf will fully impose the provisions referred to in this Article on the subcontractors of sub-suppliers.

g. Interim inspections, checks and/or tests or the absence thereof do not imply HBS Solution BV’s acceptance of the Delivery.

5. Final inspection and acceptance
a. Written approval by HBS Solutions BV of the Delivery (which does not include signing of a confirmation of receipt, consignment note, transport documents) applies as acceptance thereof, without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph d of this Article.

b. If the Delivery is subjected to a final inspection then the provisions of Article 4 apply
mutatis mutandis with the exception of the provisions of Article 4g.

c. If and insofar as the Delivery contains features whose existence can only be established after setting up, assembly or installation/incorporation of the Delivery, the final inspection will take place once the Delivery or the object for which the Delivery is intended, is ready for the same
d. If and insofar as the delivery of certificates, assembly instructions, maintenance and operation instructions, drawings, other documents and/or the giving of training and instruction has been agreed on, this form part of the Delivery and acceptance is not deemed to have taken place before delivery and/or submission thereof has taken place in full.
e. The Supplier grants HBS Solution BV the right to also (allow) use the goods forming part of the Delivery prior to the acceptance.
6. Packaging and shipment
a. The Supplier will pack and secure the goods forming part of the Delivery such that they reach the place of destination in good condition by normal transport and can be safely unloaded. Any particular requirements of the packaging and security required by HBS Solution BV, provided these are made known on time by HBS Solution BV, will be fully and carefully observed by the Supplier. The packaging must comply with all relevant statutory provisions.
b. The Supplier will strictly follow the instructions of HBS Solution BV in respect of conservation, marking, shipping, insuring the transport risk and the dispatch documents to be sent.
c. Shipments that do not comply with the provisions of paragraph a and/or paragraph b can be refused by HBS Solution BV.
d. HBS Solution BV reserves the right to return the packaging at the Supplier’s account and risk by crediting of the amount charged to HBS Solution BV by the Supplier. The Supplier will treat loaned packaging made available by HBS Solution BV with due care and insure it.
7. Transfer of title and risk
a. Insofar as not otherwise determined in the Terms and Conditions and/or in the Agreement, the title to and the risk of the goods forming part of the Delivery transfers to HBS Solution BV on the delivery thereof to HBS Solution at the agreed location. In the event of payments that take place before Delivery, the title will transfer to HBS Solution BV at the time of payment to the amount of the payment made, in which case the Supplier is required to keep these goods and mark them clearly. Any commercial terms used in the Agreement such as FOB and CIF are used in accordance with the definitions given in the version of the Incoterms applicable on the date of conclusion of the Agreement without prejudice to the provisions of paragraphs b and c of this Article.
b. In the event that HBS Solution BV makes goods available to the Supplier for processing or for adding to or mixing with goods that do not belong to HBS Solution BV, then HBS Solution BV remains the owner or HBS Solution BV will become the owner of the goods that are created. The Supplier is required to keep these goods and mark them clearly and bears the risk for them until the time of delivery of the goods to HBS Solution BV.


c. In the event that HBS Solution BV makes goods available to the Supplier to assemble them or to test the already assembled goods or put them into operation under HBS Solution BV’s supervision of the assembly, the Supplier bears the risk for these goods from the availability thereof until acceptance of the delivery by HBS Solution BV. If the Supplier assembles the goods at the construction site and/or is responsible for the supervision thereof, it bears the risk of these goods uninterruptedly until acceptance of them by HBS Solution BV.
8. Delivery date
a. Observance of the time periods laid down in the Agreement is an essential obligation for the Supplier. The Supplier is required to deliver the goods and/or services forming part of the Delivery in the agreed form, quantity and quality on the agreed date of Delivery at the agreed location.
b. If the Supplier does not fulfil its delivery obligations or does not fulfil them in a timely fashion and/or not in full, HBS Solution BV, without notice of default and/or legal intervention, is entitled to suspend all its obligations and/or terminate the pending agreement entirely or with regard to the part not completed on time or in full, without the Supplier being able to derive any right to compensation and without prejudice to HBS Solution BV’s right to charge all costs/loss/damage caused by this to the Supplier and to carry out the part of the Delivery not completed on time or in full itself, or have it carried out by a third party, at the Supplier’s expense.

c. Partial deliveries are not permitted except with HBS Solution BV’s prior Written consent.

d. If the delivery term indicated by HBS Solution BV in the Agreement is exceeded, this will mean that the Supplier is immediately in default without any notice of default being required. In other words, the time of Delivery agreed on in Writing, stating the nature of these circumstances, the measures it has taken or will take and the expected duration of the delay. Failure to do so will mean that it cannot invoke these circumstances at a later date. The Supplier cannot invoke force majeure if it has not complied with this obligation.

e. Taking Article 19a into account, as soon

f. In the event of delivery later than the agreed delivery date, the Supplier owes 1% of the invoice amount to HBS Solution BV for each week’s (seven calendar days) delay taking a maximum of 10% of the invoice amount in question into account, not affecting HBS Solution BV’s rights in accordance with this Article 8 and Articles 10 and 13 a.
9. Guarantee to repair defects
a. The Supplier guarantees that all defects that might occur in the Delivery will be repaired without cost for one (1) year after acceptance or putting into use of the Delivery or the object for which it is intended, whereby the latter of these events means that the guarantee term will commerce, unless another term is included in the Agreement. The provisions of paragraph a of this Article do not apply if and insofar as the Supplier adequately demonstrates that these defects are not the result of design flaws and/or performance of the Delivery with defective materials. The Supplier undertakes to carry out this repair promptly and in any case within the reasonable term of which it is given notice by HBS Solution BV by way of repair or replacement, at the Supplier’s discretion.
b. The Supplier is required to bear all costs which are incurred to effectuate repair of the defects for which it is liable pursuant to paragraph a of this Article, including but not limited to installation, removal, transport and suchlike.

c. Failure to fulfil the repair obligation referred to in this Article and/or failure to comply with it within the set time period, as well as in urgent cases, gives HBS Solution BV the right to carry whatever is necessary or have whatever is necessary carried out by third parties at the Supplier’s risk and expenses provided the Supplier Is notified hereof as soon as possible in Writing.

d. The period referred to in the first line of paragraph a of this Article is extended by the term during which the Delivery or the object for which it is intended cannot be used due to a defect attributable to the Supplier. The period as meant in paragraph a of this Article commences again for the repaired or replacement parts of the Delivery from the time of putting into use after repair.

e. The title to and the risk of goods replaced pursuant to the repair obligation referred to above are vested in the Supplier from the time of replacement. The Supplier must collect these goods as soon as possible unless HBS Solution BV requests that the replaced goods are made available to HBS Solution BV for examination.

f. Unless HBS Solution BV is guilty of intent or gross negligence, the loss of or damage to auxiliary materials and tools which the Supplier uses in the performance of the Delivery is borne by the Supplier.

g. The provisions as according to the previous paragraphs of these Articles or as according to the other Articles of the Terms and Conditions do not relieve the Supplier of its other liabilities/obligations pursuant to the laws.
10. Indemnification
The Supplier indemnifies HBS Solution BV in full for all loss, damage and costs suffered and to be suffered by HBS Solution BV and claims by third parties in relation to any shortcomings/defects with regard to the goods/services provided by the Supplier to HBS Solution BV and auxiliary materials used in the performance of the Agreement, respectively due to actions or omissions of the Supplier, its staff or other persons used by it in the performance of the Agreement.
11. Title to, risk and care for auxiliary materials, drawings etc.
a. All auxiliary materials, such as drawings, models, forms, dies, calibres or specific tools needed to perform the Delivery, which are made available to the Supplier by HBS Solution BV or which are manufactured and/or purchased by the Supplier at HBS Solution BV’s expense are or remain property of HBS Solution BV.

b. The Supplier will keep these auxiliary materials, clearly marked as property of HBS Solution BV, as a borrower, keep them in a good condition and bear all risks for them, all this until they are returned to HBS Solution BV.

c. The Supplier will only use these auxiliary materials for the performance of the Agreement. The Supplier will not use the said auxiliary materials for other purposes, copy or reproduce them or give them to third parties in any form or any way or make them accessible to third parties, without HBS Solution BV’s written consent.

12. Transfer of rights and obligations
Taking Article 2e into account the Supplier may not transfer its rights and obligations ensuing from this Agreement wholly or partly to any third party without HBS Solution BV’S prior Written consent. Such consent, if granted, does not alter any of the Supplier’s obligations ensuing from the Agreement.
13. Cancellation and termination
a. In the event of a failure by the Supplier in the performance of its obligations pursuant to the Agreement and in the event of the Supplier’s bankruptcy or moratorium of payments or liquidation of its business, HBS Solution BV is entitled to wholly or partly terminate the Agreement (or at its discretion suspend the performance of its obligations) without further notification of default or legal intervention and without being required to pay any compensation and without prejudice to HBS Solution BV’s further rights including the right to seek compensation of damages.
Notwithstanding the provisions of the previous sentence, HBS Solution BV is entitled to wholly or partly terminate the Agreement at all times. In such a case HBS Solution BV will only pay the Supplier the costs actually incurred prior to the termination, supplemented by a reasonable amount for overheads.
b. All claims which HBS Solution BV has or will have in these cases against the Supplier will then be due on demand and in full.
14. Price and payment
Unless otherwise determined in the Agreement the price agreed on in the Agreement will be final and binding. Contract variations will only be acknowledged and paid by HBS Solution BV if agreed on explicitly in Writing in advance. Payment will be done within sixty (60) days after receiving goods and material certificates.
15. Insurance
The Supplier will adequately insure its liability pursuant to the law and /or Agreement vis-á-vis HBS Solution BV. The Supplier will further insure all insurable risks in its business operations under normal conditions. The Supplier will also insure all goods/auxiliary materials that it receives from HBS Solution BV pursuant to an Agreement against damage as the result of incorrect or inadequate processing which can occur to the goods during the time that the Supplier has these goods/auxiliary materials in its possession. The Supplier undertakes to submit evidence of its insurance as well as evidence showing that the insurance premium has been paid on time at HBS Solution BV’s first request.
16. Suspension/Retention right/Set-off
The Supplier is not entitled to suspend its obligations vis-á-vis HBS Solution BV or exercise any retention right to goods/auxiliary materials that are property of HBS Solution BV or to which HBS Solution BV has a claim in any way. Likewise, the Supplier is not entitled to any form of set-off.
17. Intellectual property right
a. The Supplier recognizes that all intellectual property rights concerning materials, auxiliary materials, drawings, calculations, instructions and other information from HBS Solution BV are and remain property of HBS Solution BV or a third party designated by HBS Solution BV. It is not permitted to use these materials, auxiliary materials, drawings, calculation, instructions and other information from HBS Solution BV, or to provide them to third parties in any way. The Supplier only acquires the restricted right to use them during the term of the Agreement and solely and alone for performance of the Delivery.

b. The intellectual property rights to the documentation, data, models/prototypes, instructions, reports, result and all other information contained therein (hereinafter the “Results”) created by the Supplier as part of the Agreement are vested in HBS Solutions BV or a third party designated by it. The Supplier transfers all worldwide intellectual property rights and claims to them with regard to the Results, including the full and worldwide copyright, more in particular the disclosure and reproduction right, to HBS Solution BV, which transfer is accepted by HBS Solution BV. The full payment for this transfer is included in the payment for the Delivery.

c. The Supplier declares that the Delivery and/or the Results do not infringe on intellectual property rights of third parties and fully indemnifies HBS Solution BV for all loss damage, costs and claims in this respect, if and insofar as the infringement is not the result of a design prescribed explicitly in Writing by HBS Solution BV. For good order’s sake, besides the transfer mentioned under b, the Supplier grants HBS Solution BV a license for no consideration with regard to all intellectual property rights vested in the goods and/or services forming part of the Delivery, to use such rights directly and indirectly for the purpose for which these goods and/or services were acquired.

d. HBS Solution BV is entitled to translate, process/amend and otherwise commercially use the Results unrestrictedly with regard to quantity, time, manner and territory, without requiring separate consent form or owing a payment to the Supplier.
If a deed or any other formality is required for this transfer, the Supplier will afford its unconditional cooperation.

e. The Supplier recognizes that HBS Solution BV is and remains the owner of the brand name “HBS”; the Supplier is not entitled to se this name in any way without HBS Solution BV’s explicit prior Written consent.

18. Confidentiality.
During and after performance of the Agreement, the Parties have an obligation towards one another to keep all mutual confidential business matters of which they became aware during performance of the Agreement confidential. More in particular, the Supplier is required to observe absolute confidentiality towards third parties with regard to all data of HBS Solution BV that it comes to learn pursuant to the Agreement, including provisions, modes, drawings, diagrams, designs and suchlike. The Supplier is not entitled to disclose the existence of an Agreement to third parties in brochures, advertisements or otherwise in the media or letters and suchlike without HBS Solution BV’s prior Written consent.

19. Force majeure
a. If the Supplier is unable to deliver on time due to force majeure, the Supplier must notify HBS Solution BV hereof in Writing immediately (within 48 hours of force majeure arising) stating the nature of the force majeure, the measures taken or to be taken by the Supplier, the expected duration of the force majeure as well as the consequences thereof for the performance of the Agreement. In that case HBS Solution BV will give the Supplier a reasonable time period but no more than ten (10) calendar days to fulfil the obligations of the Agreement.
If the Supplier has not made a notification as described here above in paragraph a of this Article or if the force majeure situation lasts longer than ten (10) calendar days, HBS Solution BV is entitled to wholly or partly terminate the Agreement by way of a written statement.

b. Force majeure is understood to mean: circumstances which hinder performance of the Agreement and which cannot be attributed to the Supplier and are not for its risk. Force majeure will not include failure by third parties in the fulfilment of their obligations vis-á-vis the Supplier.
20. Concluding provisions.
a. Solely Dutch law applies to the Orders, Agreements and the Deliveries. Any dispute that cannot be resolved in mutual consultation will be presented to the competent court of Western Netherlands, location Amsterdam.

b. If Parties tacitly permit derogations from the Terms and Conditions/Agreement on any matter and/ or component for a shorter or longer period, this does not affect HBS Solution BV’s right to demand immediate and strict compliance with the Terms and Conditions/Agreement. The Supplier can never enforce any right due to the fact that HBS Solution BV applied one or more parts and/or components of the Terms and Conditions/Agreement liberally. If one or more clauses of the Terms and Conditions and/or of an Agreement are in breach of any applicable mandatory legal provision, the clause in question will lapse and will replaced by a new, legally permissible, comparable clause to be established by the parties.

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